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iThenticate FAQ

Numbers, percentages, colors—what does it all mean? Find answers to the most common questions about the whats, whys, and hows of iThenticate.

Take a seat at a GWC write-in—Work alongside peers and encourage each other as you meet your writing goals. Held every Friday in Herrmann Hall's Executive Briefing Center and via Zoom, 1000–1430.

Lunge, parry, riposte! Our video series teaches you how to organize a strong central argument, remedy gaps in your defense, anticipate an adversary's counterargument, and deliver a convincing rebuttal!

What kinds of assistance do writing coaches provide? How do I make an appointment? What are the logistics of working with a coach? Learn more about the coaching process.

Visit Us

The GWC is located on the first floor of Dudley Knox Library on the NPS campus.

Contact Us

The GWC helps NPS students develop writing and critical thinking skills for success in graduate school and as military and civilian leaders.

Have questions? Reach us at (831) 656-3682 or

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