CEE - Course Main Content

Navy Executive Development Program

CODEX: Customized On-Demand Education for Executives

For Navy Flags, Senior Executives and Commanding Officers requiring personalized, tailored or customized executive education to meet unique or specific command needs, options are available through the Customized On-Demand Education for Executives (CODEX) program. Through CODEX, senior leaders can leverage the extensive experience resident within NPS along with their associated network of executive coaches, international experts and business partners. CODEX sessions are personalized programs that nominally run 1 to 5 days based on the needs of the command and are designed to effectively combine leadership dimensions of war fighting, individual leadership development and high-level organizational alignment. The focus of each CODEX is driven by the needs of the requesting command but often focus on advanced thinking, executive skill development, decision making, innovation, strategic planning and execution, risk management, financial management and international expertise. All are designed to accelerate the learning process to enable senior leaders to more rapidly increase their organizational impact while meeting the emerging needs of the Navy and DoD. CODEX programs in FY21 will be conducted at the NPS Center for Executive Education.

C+SALT: Commander + Strategically Aligned Leadership Team

C+SALT is a high-impact learning experience customized for Senior Commanders and their entire leadership teams. Our program director will collaborate closely with the Commander to develop a program that aligns with the learning/strategic objectives of each organization. Every aspect of the program (including a custom curriculum, select learning materials, and innovative learning exercises) is carefully designed to the command’s needs for maximum impact. Read more...

ETA: Emerging Technology Awareness for the Warfighter

Watching the current conflict in Ukraine and Gaza, it is obvious that technology is an inherent aspect for both defense and warfare, and technology can often be a game changer when it comes to who wins and who loses. It is critical then for leaders to understand not only the technologies they are responsible for employing but those tangential that may impact the outcome of any engagement.

LCMS: Leadership and Communication for Managerial Success

This is a hands-on workshop for people managers who want to improve their leadership and communication skills. The LCMS course is designed to help managers know themselves better, understand and manage the strengths and biases they bring to their workgroups, and develop critical skills for leading others. By the end of the course, participants will create personal leadership development plans incorporating techniques and insights gained. We will focus on what managers can do to create a climate of trust, empowerment, confidence, and commitment. Read more...

CCI: Creating a Culture of Innovation

The Creating a Culture of Innovation (CCI) course will show participants how to manage the elements of culture so that the value of innovation becomes institutionalized. This course will also utilize diagnostic tools to help participants identify and isolate roadblocks and barriers that stand in the way of the Navy's ability to turn creativity into capabilities for improved performance and competitiveness. Participants will leave with an assessment of their own organization's Innovation orientation and a personalized profile showing them how they either enable or inhibit innovation along with ways they can improve. Read more...

NSLS: Navy Senior Leader Seminar

The Navy Senior Leader Seminar (NSLS) provides senior Navy Officers, Civilians and Command Master Chiefs with an intensive five-day executive education program that focuses on learning best leadership practices in strategic thinking, goal setting, effects-based thinking, risk management, financial management, innovative thinking, strategic communication, and organizational change. The program provides participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage and lead increasingly complex Navy and DoD organizations. Learning is enhanced by the use of case studies, seminar-style discussions, small-team exercises, practical applications, and peer-learning. Participants are introduced to subject matter experts from across the U.S. who are well known within DoD and industry and who provide unique insights into how proven business techniques can be used within a Navy and military environment. The course is designed to better prepare senior Navy leaders to meet organizational challenges in their current and future assignments, and to empower them to become more effective change agents and better-informed stewards of the Navy’s resources. Read more...

SCW: Strategic Communication Workshop

The Strategic Communication Workshop (SCW) is a hands-on, results-oriented workshop that assists commands in the development and implementation of strategic communication plans and processes. Teams should bring their command's strategic plan and/or a command initiative that might benefit from a communication component. Naval Postgraduate School faculty use the latest research and lessons learned from industry and DoD to generate discussion. Each team is assigned a professional facilitator who will serve as a guide and provide feedback. Teams will be asked to conduct in-depth stakeholder analyses, assess communication risk as it relates to your organization's goals, and develop communication metrics to track desired effects. Take-aways include an analysis of your command's communication capabilities and a roadmap for strengthening communication as it relates to the successful achievement of your organization's strategic initiatives. Read more...

SPEAR: Strategic Planning for Execution: Assessment & Risk

The Strategic Planning for Executive: Assessment & Risk (SPEAR) Workshop is an interactive, results-oriented team-based guided workshop. It is designed to assists Commanders and their executive teams in the development and execution of a mission-critical strategic planning process. This strategic process helps accentuate a command’s strategic value, maximize Navy resources, target specific objectives, identify, and assess outcomes, and mitigate risk. Teams learn from Naval Postgraduate School faculty, who know best practices and have proven, practical experience working with numerous Navy commands, major corporations, and other government organizations. Each team is assigned a professional facilitator to guide them through the process and help translate the concepts to the strategic needs of a particular command. Read more...

HPCL: High-Performance Cohesive Leadership in the Modern Era

This intensive three-day workshop is tailored for managers who want to successfully navigate cultural dynamics and workplace challenges to create high-performing teams. The course is designed to help managers gain deeper self-awareness and develop skills to better understand and lead their teams. It also addresses the often-unspoken challenges managers face in guiding teams with wide-ranging perspectives and experiences. By the end of the course, participants will have a strong understanding of communication and social dynamics in team leadership, as well as a comprehensive toolkit for resolving workplace challenges and supercharging cohesion, performance, and mission readiness. The course emphasizes identifying and addressing cultural assumptions, communication styles, implicit cognitive processes, and conflict drivers using data-driven approaches to enhance team effectiveness. Read more...