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"Excellence through Knowledge"

The Navy’s first formal advanced education program, and predecessor of today’s Naval Postgraduate School, was the School of Marine Engineering at Annapolis, established by a Secretary of the Navy General Order in 1909.

The first civilian professor, Dr. Ralph Root, was hired in 1913. A mathematician and namesake of Root Hall, Prof. Root provided a first-hand account of the institution’s evolution from its origins to the first year of World War II in a paper titled, “Mathematics and Mechanics in the Postgraduate School at Annapolis,” which was presented in September 1942 and then published in the April 1943 issue of The American Mathematical Monthly.

You can read Dr. Root's published article in NPS Archive: Calhoun, here: https://calhoun.nps.edu/handle/10945/70498.

NPS Historical Highlights are brought to you by the Dudley Knox Library.


Behold: The ASV, a six-legged all-terrain "Adaptive Suspension Vehicle", intended to demonstrate the feasibility of transport of cargo for industrial and military applications over very rough terrain. Collaborators Dr. Robert McGhee of NPS and Dr. Kenneth Waldron studied nature to design its motion.  Like a grasshopper, the ASV could pair its legs to deal with obstacles. 

Read about the Adaptive Suspension Vehicle in NPS Archive: Calhoun. https://hdl.handle.net/10945/40299

(Yes, there's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIiD1JimBXQ )

NPS Historical Highlights are brought to you by the Dudley Knox Library.

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Nested Applications

Our Affiliates


TLC:  Teaching and Learning Commons

Mission: Empowering cross-organizational teams as a community of practice to enhance the quality of NPS education through collaborations that create and support innovative and distinctive learning experiences.

email: TLC@nps.edu


TPO: Thesis Processing Office

Thesis Processing reviews and collects all NPS theses, dissertations, capstone reports, MBA reports, and joint applied projects. We help our students meet the NPS format and citation requirements and ensure the paper is of graduate-level quality.

email: thesisprocessingoffice@nps.edu


GWC: Graduate Writing Center

Mission: To develop the writing and critical thinking skills of NPS students for success in graduate school and as military and civilian leaders.

email: writingcenter@nps.edu